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Engineering Diversity




Family-friendly leave is available to assist employees with their work-life balance. Further information about all the policies is available on the central HR website via the following links:

The Graduated Return Policy allows a member of staff to return to work following maternity or adoption leave initially for a minimum 20% of full-time hours. It is expected that the member of staff will then increase their hours over the following 12 months until they are back up to their contractual hours (either part or full-time).

Returning Carers Scheme

The Returning Carers Scheme offers funds to support those going on, or returning from, a period of long term significant caring responsibility which has affected the applicant's ability to carry out research.

Flexible working

The flexible working policy for University staff has been developed with the intention of helping members of staff to balance their commitments and interests outside work with their contractual duties and responsibilities. Flexible arrangements can include: part-time or term-time working, job share, compressed or annual hours, staggered hours or flexi-time.

Other sources of support


Childcare vouchers, access to two nurseries and a holiday play scheme are available though the Childcare Office to help support University employees with childcare responsibilities.

The Childcare Information Adviser can also help with child-related issues.

Emergency Care

The University’s partner company for emergency back-up childcare for staff is Emergency Childcare (, a company owned and operated by Bright Horizons. Back up care for adult dependants can be booked directly by staff through

Further information can be found on the HR webpages here, which includes information on how to access the service, as well as links to relevant family-friendly University policies and other sources of support. 


The University runs its own Accommodation Service to assist University staff, both current and those arriving to take up posts, in finding suitable accommodation.