A new Diversity Committee was established in Michaelmas Term 2020 to promote diversity, diversity policies and initiatives across the Department. The Committee includes the previous Athena SWAN Self-Assessment Team (SAT).
The SAT is Chaired by the Head of Department, and its members were appointed by him in consultation with the Academic Committee. The SAT meet on a termly basis.
Diversity Committee
Head of Department: Professor Richard Prager
Athena SWAN Lead: Dr Megan Davies Wykes (on leave, Lotta Kallioinen covering)
Diversity Lead: Dr Robert Foster
Division A Representative: Joanna Wakeling
Division B Representative: Dr Hannah Joyce
Division C Representative: Dr Tore Butlin (on leave, Catia Santos covering)
Division D Representative: Dr Christelle Abadie
Division E Representative: Dr Alexandra Brintrup
Division F Representative: Dr Ioannis Lestas
Senior Professional Services Staff Representative: Rachel Fogg
HR and Secretary to the Committee: Lotta Kallioinen
Master's Course Representative: Dr Dai Morgan
Technician Representative: Dr Pieter Desnerck
IT Division Representative: TBC
Undergraduate Representative: CUES Diversity Officers Mariam Sheikhey and Emmanuela Onah
Graduate Student Representative: Various
Posttgraduate Representative: TBC
Postdoctoral Researcher Representative: TBC
Co-opted members will be invited to attend meetings when required:
• Deputy Head of Department (Teaching)
• Deputy Head of Department (Graduate)
• Director of Research
• Departmental Admissions Officers
• Departmental Outreach and Widening Participation Officers
• Departmental Communications Officer
• School of Technology representative
• University Equality and Diversity Division representative
• University HR Committee representative
More about the members
Professor Richard Prager, Chairman
Richard is the Head of Cambridge University Engineering Department. His research focuses on the development of better non-invasive diagnostic medical imaging systems based on ultrasound.
Richard's work on i-want-to-study-engineering.org is particularly focussed on equality of opportunity and access.
Dr Megan Davies Wykes, Academic Lead
Megan is the Liz Acton Lecturer at the Department of Engineering and Murray Edwards College, University of Cambridge. Her research interests are in environmental fluid mechanics, including pollution in cities and building ventilation. Megan is excited to be the academic lead of the self-assessment team and she feels that it is important that we reach and include all levels of staff, along with making our approach more intersectional.
Dr Rob Foster, Diversity Lead
Dr Hannah Joyce, Division B Representative
Hannah is a University Lecturer in the Electrical Engineering Division (Division B). She leads a research group focussed on developing new nano-structured materials for electronics and photonics. This group is 50% female and consists of Hannah, 4 PhD students and 3 postdocs. Hannah's husband is also a researcher in Division B. She and her husband became parents in 2016 and are enjoying balancing family life with their research careers.
Dr Tore Butlin, Division C Representative
Dr Christelle Abadie, Division D Representative
Christelle is a Lecturer in Civil Engineering, and a Bye-Fellow of Fitzwilliam College.
Dr Alexandra Brintrup, Division E Representative
Dr Ioannis Lestas, Division F Champion
Dr Dai Morgan, Taught Master’s Course Champion
Dai is Deputy Course Director for the MPhil in Engineering for Sustainable Development.
Lotta Kallioinen, Committee Secretary and HR
Lotta is the HR Advisor responsible for staff training and development.
Former SAT members
The following former SAT members were involved in the lead-up to the application for the Silver Award:
- Professor Abir Al-Tabbaa
- Dr Claire Barlow
- María Balson
- Sally Collins-Taylor
- Dr Vivien Gruar
- Dr Kate Knill
- Anna-Maria Kypraiou
- Dr Alice Moncaster
- Jimi Oluwole
- Camille Bilger
- Dr Anna Motta
- Dr Jenni Sidey
- Madeline McKerchar
- Talay Cheema
- Dr Alexandra Brintrup
- Diana Thomas-McEwen
- Prof Tim Ibell
- Dr Flavia Mancini
- Barbara Paschalis
- Yoanna Shams
- Alessandra Luna-Navarro
- Ingrid Al Helou
- Lynne Meehan
- Dr Timothy O'Leary
- Dr Mukesh Kumar
- Professor Simone Hochgreb
- Dr Sue Jackson
- Dr Andy Wheeler
- Emma Etteridge
- Nick Northrop
- Dr Miriam Lynn
- Jocelino Rodrigues
- Dr Hannah Sheahan
- Dan Sexton
- Dr Athina Markaki
- Kevin Bullman
- Dr Rasha Rezk
- Dr Lucia Corsini
- Mishael Nuh
- Gabriella Gilbertson
- Tse Uweja
- Egle Augustalyte
You can contact the Committee on engineering-diversity@eng.cam.ac.uk.