Submitted by Administrator on Fri, 12/10/2018 - 10:32
Dr Alexander Komashie explores coming to Cambridge, inspiration and motivation in as part of the UK's Black History Month.
Writing on the Engineering Department website, Dr Alexander Komashie, a Senior Research Associate in Healthcare Systems Design and part of the Department's Engineering Design Centre, explores his motivations for pursuing a career in systems design and the importance of Black History Month.
Dr Komashie's passion for mechanical engineering design was redirected to systems engineering in no small part by a lecture he had attended by Dr Ali Mousavi. In this lecture, Dr Mousavi declared that "Systems Engineers should run the government. We should make the big decisions.", and Dr Komashie was so taken aback that by the end of the day he had changed his entire focus to systems engineering.
You can find out more about Dr Komashie's experiences by reading the complete piece on the Department website.